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It’s MONDAY. Again.

It’s impossible, said pride.

It's risky, said experience.

It’s pointless, said reason.

Give it a try said HEART

It’s MONDAY Again.

It’s Monday. Monday. In training, Mondays are for rest, recovery, adaptation, fueling, relishing, and mostly-psychologically preparing me for the upcoming week’s WORK.

Scientifically, well planned mental and physical breaks from training load are effective. Whether Monday is literally the deemed day of rest every 7 days or a metaphor for a periodized, progressive training program, evidence shows we grow and level up with purposely planned down cycles, adequate sleep, nutrients, and a specific rest for our running muscles.

Historically, MONDAYS have shown this flow works well for me not only physically but psychologically- preparing me for my Tuesday mornings mountain-AKA whatever coach prescribes!).

Culturally, Mondays are all about momentum. It can be hard to avoid getting caught up in this for me. That is why it helps to remember to have FAITH in MY program (that's another blog).

TRUTHFULLY, Monday’s are the most important day of the week- It’s a break for my body and my mind to absorb the high levels of Saturday and Sunday AND prepare me for the upcoming week’s challenges.

The alternative? Continue to train-albeit at half the effort due to decreased motivation since my body and mind are not RELOADED.

I’m pretty sure most people reading this blog aren't running to just burn calories and shrink to their tiniest form…lol. But rather to crush goals while growing physically, mentally, personally, emotionally, socially- training gives you this GIFT.

We desire growth and adaptation-not break down and more of the same-same-same.

If everyday is the same, same, same (a mid effort phenomenon occurs)- Your body and mind are really good at mediocre.

Where do the adaptations come from? You have to challenge you to change you.

You have to recover to grow.

SOOOOO, Again, Its Monday. So I celebrate: YES! Time to level up my game- physically and mentally ;)

I embrace. Otherwise, I'm just being Which can happen on hard days- BUT AVOID if you have BIG GOALS like me! There is no room for silly

I digress, Ok stay with me...

But, with everything in training and life- motivation comes in many forms: friends, competitors, distances, times, and believe it or not-planned, purposeful REST!

For me, Mondays are now deemed MOTIVATION MONDAYS: Where I work to muster up as much gumption and energy I can by being calm....MM's create anticipation and excitement.

I use this Monday Motivation to fuel my Tuesday morning workouts.

After I conquer Tuesday morning monster workout, I am awarded with added energy and confidence- a figurative push for the rest of the week's training. To create energy to be my most alive, motivated self the rest of the week after I've conquered this small feat. The fear is gone. I CAN DOT IT BRAIN!

MM's also teach me flexibility in training and life. When my type A thoughts get too inflexible and rigid, I can get into some sticky situations:trouble! I need to PRACTICE being flexible within respected boundaries - Mondays create a discipline, NOT TO OVERWORK, but to calm down, relish in last week's accomplishments, and pony up for the week ahead. Yeehaw!

I admit, MM’s can be very difficult. But they are the most important for my growth as a runner, mom, wife, coach, trainer, teacher, and friend.

I try to channel these squirrely feelings into breath and calmness throughout my day. And sometimes, I just think of how challenging the next day's effort and how I was excited to wake up at 4:30 to begin my journey to this once thought insurmountable task that my coach has prescribed.

Can I do it?

Will I fail?

Am I tough enough?

Well, of course I will try…I always try.

BUT, how will I handle those distinct moments during the interval where my mind wants me to stop, curl up into a ball, cry and say “its over” this dream is crazy. I'm just a bunch of words and no action. A phony. Imposter!

Just writing that last sentence sends chills down my spine.

And then, I remember:

That, I can do anything if I sit in the effort and stay patient and have FAITH in me and the process.

That, this work of art is slowly unfolding into a beautiful tapestry of goods, greats, and uglies.

That, if I’m not in pain, my body and mind can surmount greater heights, crawl through new windows. discover new areas that were once darkness in my life with every Monday's rest.

That, everytime I show up for myself and give the best I can on that given day for whatever scary workout coach -for some reason- thinks I'm strong enough to execute, I am growing stronger: proving to my mind and body what I am capable of by giving it progressive loads over time.

So, today I love my body, mind, and soul enough to fill it up with love in every sense of the word, so that tomorrow, I can SHOW UP, really SHOW UP.

And, let me just say: Tomorrow's pace is 20 seconds slower than what I have to run this marathon in by next year.Ha! And they only have to be held for 1-2 minutes! But I’m not scared, I’m not defeated. I trust. I have faith. I am strong!

Come along this journey with me. The good. The GREAT. The dirty. It’s all gonna be here!

Some Tips for Rest Days

  1. First let's talk nutrition: I learned a lot from my nutritionist Kylee Vanhorn. We workouted together for 6 months last year. I got my information from a expert not a random podcast! So reach out if you need referrals here. so many are misinformed or just stuck in disordered habits that are hurting their performance, and if you're like me, I don't want that to be the thing that causes my bad mood, low energy, depression, slow times. So here is goes:

  2. Many runners worry they are in that pantry all day on rest days. BUT DON'T restrict calories. This is not a weight loss program. Eat nutritiously and when you are hungry - your body is healing from last week's training and storing up glycogen for the coming week's work.

  3. Protein! Rebuild those tissues, add some Complex Carbs, and Healthy Fats: avocado, seeds, olive oil. Limit Sugar as it is inflammatory.

  4. Range of Motion! Foam Roll, meditation, light band work, restorative yoga, stability, light bike sessions, walking, hiking - ALL for blood flow and flexibility. If any of these impede your psychological refueling - don't do them- just rest.

  5. Try to limit caffeine and any pre workout supplements that might spike cortisol levels. We want to ignite that parasympathetic nervous system as much as we can today to encourage recovery.

  6. Sleep! If you can get a good night's sleep before the big week and sneak in a 20 minute nap - no more because you want to deep sleep Monday night!

  7. Read. Reading is one of the most relaxing activities but still engages the mind. It allows me to relax!

  8. Replace run time with chiro work or a massage get that massage gun out! - Blood flow, tissue malleability!



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