Having a hard time getting yourself motivated to train this winter?
I mean, it can feel downright painful (if you let it) rustling from your warm bed, robe enveloped, and a houseful of sleeping bodies (both human and animal- Mr Teddy is a very good snuggler- ha!) to venture out into the cold, dark tunnel that is the heavy front door to you pounding the pavement or driving to the gym.
You are not the only one! With that said, I’ve managed to continue this lifestyle for over 30 years through all the winters (can you say froze eye lashes and hot hands in mittens) - let’s call this our - frozen spot in our training that presents- year after year. It never gets easier to confront; but once I go through the checklist below- I manage to accept, persevere, experience joy, and grow.
I think the first step is to acknowledge that yes, yes, this is challenging, but what's gotten harder for me as the years of discipline accrue is the idea of not only staying static but literally declining as I age. Sounds terrifying but it's true. Women loos ,muscle mass up to 3% a decade starting at age 30 and our bone mass decrease exponentially once we hit our 50s with menopause and hormonal changes.
So, I make the decision, I choose to put in the play (play not work) today that can bring me to a new level of health, fun, and adventure as the sun starts to shine and the green begins to burst from the trees.
Yes, obviously you can't be wishy washy with what you want: Make the decision to commit. Set a clear and realistic goal. Be specific on what, how much, when, and where. Get support. Then don't quit. But that is all for another article. Let's get into the roadblocks you may face as you progress with your fitness lifestyle through the winter months.
1) STOP OVERTHINKING: AKA Paralysis by Analysis-
Ok ok, I know, acknowledging is only part of the equation - but when thought patterns are rehearsed over and over day after day- well we begin to believe them. We flex that mental muscle by training the mind to accept, just do, and only play with the positive self talk- smash the ANTS (automatic negative thoughts). Whatever you choose to focus on can be well- rehearsed and habitual - Getting rid of the ANTS and just doing the thing -with time-becomes easier. We want to practice ignoring that part of our selves that want to convince us to stay safe, cozy and still. Yes I said safe: every-time we leave our box, we risk our safety- it's time to fly. Stop playing with those self doubting thoughts and MOVE them outta the way while you leap out the door. If anything, after 20 minutes of your run or session- if you still feel in the dog house then you know it’s not motivation that’s holding you back- it’s under recovery or a compromised immune system and at that then you do need a day off!
2) Schedule it and keep your promise to yourself!
So many of us have every intention to reach that big goal, but when it comes to the execution, we let life derail our trajectory- resulting in misalignment of what we want and what we do. At worst, this becomes a cycle of failure and pity that isn't serving our mental and emotional health much less our physical goals.
We may use a real life interruption as an excuse because we are tired, fearful, or we really think that skipping our training to stay that extra hour(s)at work or to last minute attend to a friend or family member is the best decision.
I’m not insinuating that you should not take care of your friends and family here. But what I am saying, is be honest with yourself and others.
3) Ask for Help
Don't be to proud to ask for help at the right times- I used to think it was tough that I did "all the things" in a day, now, I understand the big picture and how to have longevity with this sport and lifestyle by getting support from the best.I understand that this is an entitlement- and I never go a day without being grateful for these people in my life. If you are fortunate enough to receive help- take it- then give it back to others who you can help.
For instance, when I was training for the trials, instead of spending money on that new outfit I would wear once, I used the money to hire a babysitter, a chiropractor, and a trainer to guide me and keep me on track.
4) Trash the Guilt and Get Honest
Another roadblock especially for new parents who still want to train is the idea of guilt. If you are fortunate enough to have in town family to swoop in every once in a while- all parties are better for it! You sticking to your goals, taking care of yourself, and allowing for your children to spend time with family and friends allows for them to have a different experience and they will learn by watching you stick to your goals- the importance of health and commitment. Another plus is if you schedule it- you have to show up- so the negotiation in your mind is moot! Finally, I don’t know about you but when Ive accomplished showing up for myself and my health, I come back a more energetic, attentive, quality family member. Please don’t fall into the trap of being "selfless by not taking care of your health too! You deserve it and all humans in your life WILL benefit from having you around for many more years happy and healthy- God willing.
5) Accountability
Find a reliable friend who will commit to a day or more a week of meeting early at the gym or the trail. Don’t negotiate your commitment unless emergency. Trust that you can communicate with your buddy if you truly are needing to cancel to get extra rest or if there is injury or illness; otherwise, commit, show up, and BE HONEST!
6) Hire a Trainer or a Coach
Yah yah, I know you can go on youtube or Pinterest or Instagram and find all the elite workouts in the world that led Meb and Shalane to victory after victory- but seriously- stop! Lol Ok I’ll be gentle here but even I had to take 3 plus years of run, strength, mobility, massage, ART, Chiro work to execute the mileage and workouts you see these elites and myself doing at the peak of our careers. Am I saying you shouldn't work hard? HECK NO! But, you need to climb the mountain with respect; otherwise, the mountain will knock your ass right back down - with only bruises on ego and body to show!
So, the reality is- you need to articulate a long term goal to a professional, certified coach; allow for said expert to build a personal program to motivate and guide you through the ebs and flows.
Does hiring a coach mean you will succeed- YES but- but- there is hardly ever such thing as instant gratification! You will have bumps in the road- allow yourself to lean on your coach to continue to encourage you over these bumps- month after month- season after season- year after year- you are building success- it will come out in time with patience and honesty and communication-
7) Be Different; Get Real
Most people don’t want to wait. Most people don't want to put in the work. They want it now- and if they don't get it they blame everyone but their self in Oder to protect the ego. Well, best price of advice you can get- it’s not him or her or this or that - it’s you! Start showing up, get REALLY honest with yourself and your coach. You and coach are not God, but with intentional hard efforts and intentional correct recovery- you can and will reach your peaks! Then your problem will be how to get back down lol- ha been there so, A coach can help you transition with this- sometimes I think this is harder than the actual training and racing!
8) Invest in your equipment choices.
Listen I know all the product in the world is not gonna make you fast ha! Those Nikes sure are bouncy though! But if you have the means, prioritize wearing a good pair of shoes. I believe our foot placement even as we stand and walk sends a message up our entire kinetic chain. Those shoes your wearing may look cute or you’d much rather buy new converse then a good pair of trainers but trust me- with each foot strike , step, standing posture- your spine is feeling the impact.
9) Get Outside
Of course it’s cold silly- but we all know that when your heart thumps thumps- - - - that’s right-you warm up! I often think what a rare gift I have been given to be able to run free through the winter- getting fresher air ( notice I said fresher! Hey, Missouri is not the Rockies-ha!) I feel like I’ve won the lottery.
While all the world I is stuck in boxes I get to leap, breath hard, and smell the world that is open, mysterious, and full of adventure- I end up back at my jeep with natural happy chemicals freely floating, a body that is strong and activated, ready to tackle the world- or hey - some days I cant wait to just go back to my box house to snuggle and watch shows- but man- do I feel so much more content and at peace upon my return. So, here’s the best info- you need three essentials- 1) good base layer (Craft, Lululemon, Under Armour, ect, 2) Snug hat, 3) Mittens- of course you’re gonna wanna cover the other areas of that body too haha! But those are my 3 essentials in cold. Depending upon how cold- I do just the base layer top and I can A)add a t-shirt over, B) add a vest or C) add a jacket. See 1-2-3!
10) Explore Your Athleticism
Many of us have been running for years. We may have a set routine. Of course we know if you wanna be a better runner, running is king-BUT- we also are educated enough to know now that tissue and joint health can enhance performance, reduce injury, activate different muscle fibers, and just bring novelty to our training. Switching out a run or two for a strength HITT class, boxing, ploys, Power Yoga, spinning May actually improve your spring race performances- how? Don’t forget, runners - you are ALL athletes- and athletes train holistically. Yes, you course we train you for specificity but there is no better time than cold dark winter months to challenge yourself with a new athletic endeavor. Let’s get you runners moving in all directions! I know for me, doing a strength workout with Matt Pirtle or Keelin Russell at Emerge is harder than a tempo! Ok very different hard but my point is they challenge a different system and it works!
11) Mix Ot Up
Cut down on mileage and add speed training for 6-12 weeks or vise versa- ditch the pace variation for miles, steady states, and cross training to build that aerobic lactate system. My point is- you should have a goal with each training cycle that compliments your BIG goal- if try to do all things at once all year- well- well… talk to me bout that another time lol ha! This being said, if you desire to work on something specific whether it’s a strength or a weakness- tell your coach or trainer: your motivation and excitement are imperative to the the plan. Speak up. Too many times we think one workout or Coach will elevate us- no- it’s the communication, articulation and execution - then reflection and rinse - repeat that gets star athletes star success. I know when I tell my coach, "coach, I feel like I am getting really strong at my tempos, what if we added a cycle focusing on strength and hill work" he listens and he will 100% take my excitement and consideration into the big picture plan. Unless your goal has a time crunch- you can choose to improve on any system or aspect of your running.
I know that I got very long winded
d again lol - let’s get a quick list of additional helpers to getting your winter workout on-
1) Sign up for run coaching or training at Emerge! Sorry shameless plug - but obviously!
2) Sign up for a winter race series like the Frostbite or Snowball Series and use the races as your winter "workouts" and run the rest of your runs as feel. This is a great transition into half/full marathon specific training in the spring or summer.
Make a kick ass playlist for those hard days!
2) Using above playlist- run hard every other song for an informal fartlek.
3) Save a great movie to your phone- hope on a treadmill and enjoy the show!
4) Fast finish long runs- run natural pace outside for a given time then finish the last 4-8 miles on the track or treadmill progressively faster.
5) Meet a friend at the trail or at her house and don't cancel unless emergency.
6) Meet a friend at the gym and run treadmills - this way you can do your own paces. Ive even had my mom or pops walk next to me - we get to catch up and they get exercise too!
5) Sign up for a class. I love Keelin's and all the trainers Emerge bootcamps and small groups. Reach out for info.
6) Sleep! If you don’t set a bedtime- well - you don’t want this that bad enough. Put your phone down, set an alarm, put your eye mask and noise machine blazing and get those zzzzsssss!
7) Get off the scale and instead start to get in touch with what it feels like to feel good, energetic all day long without shit like fast food, smoking, alcohol, energy drinks- to lift our moods and energy- this stuff accumulates in your body and mind and will wear on your health- not to mention your mental health, confidence, resilience, and the impact you have on the lives of those around you! Start investing in you and if you prefer to weigh- do it once a week at the same time of day preferably in the morning so you get an accurate number. Interesting, for me, after a 26.2 marathon race I am a bloated bunny! Do you think running a marathon at 6 minute per mile pace causes me to gain weight? Lol NO- but my body is inflamed and digesting and recovering and holding onto dear life for every ounce of water. Give me 48 hours! Ha! Get my point. Don't obsess on the daily. It's a mental mess.
3) Get rid of (most) processed junk -most of the time- feed your body well balanced meals- this means complex carb with a lean protein with color. Man I’ve seen too many runners suffer unnecessarily thinking they are eating healthy when they have cut so many nutrients out of their restrictive diets full of vegetables and supplements- myself included- good thing I got educated and faced some funny habits and understood my body needed more than a plate full of broccoli and soy curls to get through the athletic shit I like to do. Don’t get me wrong, if you are overweight and trying to lose weight to avoid diabetes, heart disease, and more- yes load up the vegetables. But, if you plan on habitually running many miles fast and lifting weights after and want to avoid muscle loss and hormonal chaos, then you need a more well rounded diet from real food, in my opinion.
So, know your intention and reach out to a professional- not a random on instagram claiming to be a nutrition guru with an online cert- if that even! Ahh that’s a thing! Listen- don’t get weird with fuel- eat- eat for your physical, mental, social health- what’s more important that cow or yours and your family’s health? Just saying - do what’s good for you- not what “looks good” to your followers. Obviously there are religious and generational, traditional, steadfast values attached to food- so don’t misinterpret my comments as disrespect- I’m trying to get you clear on the honest difference in motivations, so you can feel you absolute best.
Well more to come- this one’s definitely not put to bed!
Love coachjaxtherunner